here for you

The SIMIO team

Product communication has been my field of activity for a long time; the focus is always on a holistic approach that includes not only the technology but also the people involved and the inevitable change processes in companies.
We founded SIMIO with the aim of acting as an independent and objective authority to bring transparency to the very heterogeneous supply markets and thus support our customers in selecting a solution that fits their individual requirements and is therefore sustainable.

Jürgen Burger
CEO | Chief Analyst

I have been working as a coach for people and systems for many years; my particular strength lies in analyzing the current situation, which I see as the essential prerequisite for change. I can bring this experience to SIMIO in the best possible way.
I am also responsible for the entire organization of work processes.
For me, truthfulness, respect and reliability are essential in working together.

Susanne Falk

I am a long-standing sales and marketing-oriented entrepreneur, creative lateral thinker, consultant and implementer on the holistic path of digitizing companies and their processes.

My focus is on "state of the art" CRM and Marketing Automation, Customer Centricity and the related input/output strategies and measures. The analysis of system environments and processes, the development of digital strategies, software evaluations and the initiation as well as the implementation of the resulting digital transformation are also part of my absolute heart and soul.

As SIMIO`s specialist for CRM & Marketing Automation, I will be happy to assist you at any time, also for peripheral topics and innovations.

Axel Faber
Principal Advisor
CRM | Marketing Automation

In our dynamic world, it is essential to constantly adapt to new technologies, dovetail processes and data and optimise business models. Based on my understanding of these challenges and opportunities, I have specialised in not only supporting companies, but also accompanying them on their individual path and shaping it together. My approach is based on the concept of the "wisdom of crowds", the conviction that broad expertise and diverse perspectives lead to better and more innovative solutions.
I firmly believe that together we will find innovative ways to not only keep pace, but to actively shape the future. I look forward to bringing my experience and commitment to your projects as a SIMIO partner.

Dr. Michael Kunz
Business Innovation | Process Optimization

My entire professional career has always been at the interface between IT, marketing and media production. I have worked in various companies in management positions and in IT project management, both for software manufacturers and agencies.
Due to the multifaceted topics in projects for globally operating, renowned customers from a wide range of industries, I have acquired comprehensive expertise in realizing software solutions based on standard solutions as well as individual software. With a 360° view and knowledge of requirements analysis, planning & design, implementation & configuration, as well as testing and commissioning, I am a confident navigator to make digital transformation a reality.
I have a particular soft spot for digital asset management systems in MarTech infrastructures, which is why I am delighted to be able to advise you at SIMIO as an expert in this field.

Martin Reinheimer

For more than 20 years, I have been dealing with the central building blocks of digital transformation and supporting companies with the associated challenges of introducing software systems and redesigning the corporate architecture.
The expertise I have gained and my wide-ranging core competencies enable me to create the overall view required to develop new IT landscapes and solutions in cross-functional teams.
My specialisms are based on in-depth knowledge in the system areas of product information management, data integration, ERP systems and the introduction and operation of low-code/no-code platforms. I use this knowledge to analyse IT application landscapes, company data and business processes in order to design new IT architectures.

Johannes Sprenger
Digital Transformation | Business Applications | Data Integration | PIM

As an organisational developer and leadership coach, I dismantle bureaucracies, break down silos and tear down principalities. I help companies to improve their ability to collaborate, adapt and innovate.

During the introduction of PIM/MDM systems, processes are inevitably converted and optimised due to the new, centralised type of data management.
However, not only technical aspects, but also interpersonal dynamics within the organisation should be taken into account. The changes should therefore be seen as an opportunity to improve the organisation's position.

Since the 2000s, I have been involved in a large number of PIM/PXM projects as a strategic consultant or product owner. I now combine this expertise with a holistic view of all those involved in the organisation. I help to develop the right "mindset" and strengthen the corporate culture in the long term so that your company becomes more attractive and the introduction of a PIM/MDM system becomes a sustainable success.

Jens Thiemann
Organizational Design | Change Management | Leadership

As a self-made software entrepreneur, I founded my first company at the age of 23. I experienced first-hand the problems that bad software can cause and how easy and successful life can be when you know that quality is created and maintained.

My key experience was that I realised two things: That many problems in our industry have a common cause and that we in the software industry are in pole position to automate as many manual steps as possible.

Today, I support medium-sized companies in improving their software development methods in order to produce better quality software.

Ralf Trapp
Software quality

Digitisation affects us all and will permanently change both the world of work and our consumer behaviour - this has been brought home to us especially in the recent past. Only companies that actively face the challenges of digitalisation will be able to use it to their advantage.

As an analyst and consultant for the digitalisation of marketing and product communication processes with a focus on master data governance, I bring critical knowledge, methodological and technical expertise coupled with decades of experience from more than 50 MarTech implementations to every project.

As SIMIO's MDM/PIM/DAM specialist, I am always available to answer your questions.

Herwart von Staudt
Principal Advisor

Customer centricity has revitalised the focus on customer needs and is also influencing product communication in pre- and after-sales.

In order for customer centricity to become a matter of course in day-to-day activities, it is necessary to change the mindset of those responsible - in other words, to change the mindset of management and executives.     

As a communications consultant, these strategic issues are particularly close to my heart. I accompany the SIMIO mandates from touchpoint analyses to product data concepts, product editing and strategic alignment of the customer journey. I continue to focus on print publications as part of successful product communication.  

As SIMIO's digital pilot, I am happy to advise you on all strategic issues within your planned digitalisation projects.

Thomas Wehlmann
Principal Advisor

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